![](../../images/animations/corsair_anim.gif) WINE COUNTRY FLYERS
Triad Leadership: Rob Jensen 544-2827 Board Members:
Steve Cole 838-6315
Larry Childs 794-8487 Dino House 894-7878
Secretary: Larry Miller 577-0496 Website Co-ordinators:
Treasurer: Dale Chiaroni 585-0476 Mike Beito 408-379-6929
Newsletter: Gary Child 579-2325 Richard Lange 571-1367
Events Coordinator: Larry Frank 546-875
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By Larry Childs
This year has been an interesting year to say the least. Three
of us formed the Triad and used it to help spread the load of running the club. Overall
the results were good, not that there isnt room for improvement.
The club will vote on keeping the triad system or going back to the
President/Vise-president system at the October meeting before nominations are started.
Based on this vote, nominations for elections will be held. Elections will be held at the
November meeting. It is important for every member to attend these meetings. On Election
night there will be good door prizes!
We are looking for new people to be involved in the management of the
club. Several of the officers are stepping down (they have done their time and paid their
dues!) and we will need replacements for them. Just because you may be a new member to the
Club, do not hesitate to step forward to help in running the Club. There will be plenty of
help and resources available to assist in the transition. So please attend the meetings
and give your support to the Club. See you there.
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By Rob Jensen
A group of about 12 of us made our annual trip to Reno for the
National Championship Air Races this past weekend only to have them cancelled due the
cowardly acts of a small group of fanatics. Most of us arrived Friday morning and attended
a memorial service at Stead Airport for those who had fallen in the wake of the attacks.
As of that time the races were still on. Later that day the announcement was made that
there would be no races this year. We still made the best of our trip and went to the
local electric flying site and flew Razor races/combat till we could laugh no harder.
Saturday morning we went out to Stead again and had a chance to
purchase souveniers and get up close to the planes and pilots. I had a chance to chat with
Tom Dwelle, pilot of Critical Mass Sea Fury and Skip Holm, pilot of Dago Red P-51
individually for a few minutes and that definately was the highlight of my trip!
The Reno Air Racing Association lost a substantial amount of money. The
say they will be back next year. I for one will be too.
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AUGUST 21, 2001
By Larry Miller
The meeting was called to order by Larry Childs at 7:33 p.m. There were
17 members and 3 guests present. Dale Chiaroni gave the report on the club funds, and we
are still doing fine.
Upcoming events were discussed, and Sunday, October 7th was selected
for the Neil Taylor Memorial Family Fun Fly. This is an event for club members and their
families only, with free food, entry, and prizes! Rob Jensen will be the CD. If you would
like to help out in any way, please call him at 585-3170.
We gave away the door prize and raffled off the rest of the loot and
then it was time for show and tell. Larry C. brought his Bob Parkinson Regal Eagle jet.
This is a standoff scale F-15 that was designed to be simple to operate and capable of
flying from grass fields. He has it all built and is getting ready to 'glass it. He showed
us the fan installation and how simple a plane it really was, especially with the omission
of the retracts.
The meeting was adjourned and we retired to the parking lot to watch
Rob Jensen fly his tiny BeBe' Jodel park flyer model.
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By Tom Newelsky
As this is being written, the many members who traveled to Reno
recently, were disappointed by the lack of races. Apparently, the cancellation was last
minute and this confused the pilgrims.
During the past month, I have noted a marked reduction in the flying
activities at the field, when I was present. On Saturday, the 25th of August,
the weather was great, as usual, but few members were present.
We did have a visitor from the largest R/C club of Toronto, Canada. He
was surprised to see us flying planes and helis at the same time. They dont
permit that at his field, for what he described as "safety reasons."
Roland DeConti brought his new Great Planes Cessna ARF, with an O.S. 46
engine. This is a really nice looking stand-off scale model, and Roland did a great job of
putting it together, with some help from Robbie Jensen, at Reds Hangar One. The
plane didnt fly, however, due to some engine reliability problems.
Phil Heidt flew his Stinger. For those who may not be familiar with
this small missile, it is electric, and goes more than 100 mph. In the past, the plane had
been a handful, so Phil reduced some of the throws. Unfortunately, he reduced the elevator
throw a leeeetle too much. As the power was reduced, the elevator control was insufficient
to keep the plane from hitting a tree, down the hill on the North side of the field.
Bottom Line: R.I.P. Stinger. Phil says he has another speed demon to fly, anyway.
Loren made his usual appearance with his Raptor and his X-Cell
Helis. On one of his flights, some hardware loosened in the tail rotor, causing
serious handling problems. Loren was forced to perform and auto-rotation to get the heli
back on the ground. The landing was a little bumpy, but the heli was undamaged.
The same cannot be said for Steve Coles X-Cell which suffered
major damage on Saturday, September 1st. During that afternoon, Steve was
performing an auto-rotation. Unfortunately, Steve forgot to pull the throttle hold switch.
As the Heli approached the tarmac, the engine RPMs suddenly came up, causing the
heli to torque to one side. This resulted in a main rotor strike, followed by heli parts
flying in all directions. I was standing at least 60 feet away, and a half a main rotor
came to rest at my feet.
On the same day, my Xtra-Easy trainer and the Fun-Fly Plane of Tom
Haddorf experienced a "meeting in the sky." Toms plane was unhurt, but my
wingtip had three clean propeller slices. What made the incident even more exciting, was
that my daughter, Erin was flying my plane at the time, (on a buddy-box). Surprisingly,
both planes were landed safely, and are again back in the air.
Also that day, Ryan Muehlbauer was Buddy-Boxing another trainer, with a
junior member at the controls. They were practicing landing approaches, and on one of
these, control was lost. The plane struck the fence in front of the pilots, cartwheeled
down the fence, and ripped the landing gear, and part of the bottom of the fuse off.
Plastic Screws, anyone? And what would we do without that fence?......how many shins have
been saved?
I noticed that Larry Childs quarter scale Sig Extra also has
metal screws, but Larry says that plastic screws are for wimps. Rugged
Individualism.....thats what makes our Country so great.
Well thats it for this month. Lets all turn out for the Neil
Taylor event on October 7th. It will surely be a lot of fun.
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OCTOBER 7, 2001
10:00 A.M. CLOSING
Join us for a day of low-key fun flying competition and good
company. There will be prizes, raffles, and something special for the ladies.
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