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2011 Pylon Season Print E-mail

Welcome Racers and fans to 2011 race season!

This year is shaping up to be exciting race season. So let’s dust off the planes get them ready because there's only 11 days before going fast and turning left. Sign ups at 9:00am, races will start at 10:00am sharp. On a side note, don't forget to spring forward, turn your clocks ahead.

We will be adding an EF1 race class this year if you have one flying bring it out. We will set up a new course and have a non points race if there are enough racers. So the classes this year are T-28 with all the fast guys moving up to the next class, Reno 450 and 1/12 scale nitro. EF-1 will be added later in the season.

Let the fun begin! This Sunday 13th will be a test and tune day if weather is good.

Race 2 1/2, Steve Cole.

Email Steve at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or call 707-481-7969.
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