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Christmas Party, Friday Dec 11th Print E-mail
Friday night is coming up fast and some of you may be thinking that you wished you had sent in your reservation for the Christmas Party. So, let me tell you that it is not too late! This year we will celebrate at Trentadue Wineries. Please come join us for cocktails at 6pm, dinner at 7pm. The evening includes,

  • our traditional free raffle with $1500 in prizes
  • live music with the Healdsburg Jazz Trio, a three piece jazz group
  • WCF 2009 video, as always courtesy of Julio Alavarez
We do need to know what the full attendance will be soon so if you are interested in coming please email me or call. Email Phil at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or call at 707-538-8557.
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