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Bob Film, 2009 Neil Taylor Recipient Print E-mail
Bob Film 2009 Neil Taylor

Bob Film is the Wine Country Flyers Neil Taylor recipient for 2009. The Neil Taylor award is given annually to a club member for outstanding service to the club and Bob is no exception. On receiving the award, in characteristic fashion, Bob graciously thanked his sous chefs, Bob Rose and Ralph Grella. From Back East, Bob grew up in New Jersey and moved to California after spending time here while in the service. He lives in Santa Rosa with his wife Janet, and no doubt a house full of RC sailplanes. Bob worked as an electrician for many years and is now retired.

His main interest in modeling centers around building and flying large RC sailplanes. He competes in sailplane events throughout the State. In 2004 he became the Kitchen Commander and has served Wine Country Flyers many, many burgers and dogs. His efforts are truly appreciated by us all.

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