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WCF Board endorses Lawrence Tougas for District X VP Print E-mail
Lawrence Tougas

A couple of days ago you received your 2010 AMA membership application. Included in that envelope was an election ballot. Our district comprises of Arizona, California, Guam, Nevada, Utah, and Hawaii; has approximately 27,000 members and is the largest district in the AMA. There is an election in District X this year so please consider casting your ballot.

Lawrence Tougas is one of the two candidates in the race and he travelled from Fairfield last evening to pitch his case for our support. While this has been our only contact with Lawrence he certainly presented as a great candidate. As VP his top three issues will be:

  • help clubs find and keep flying fields
  • improve the AMA website
  • raise the visibility of District X
For more information on Lawrence’s campaign visit http://ama-district-x-election.blogspot.com. Email Lawrence at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or just give him a call at 707-480-2053. Full candidate statement here.


If you’ve tossed out your ballot call the AMA at 800-435-9262 select extension 290 and speak to Shawn Grubbs, Shawn will mail out a new one.
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