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Reno 2009 Print E-mail

From the left: Voodoo(P-51, Will Whiteside), Strega(P-51, Steve Hinton Jr.), Ridge Runner III(P-51, Dan Martin), Rare Bear(Bearcat, John Penney), Dreadnought(Sea Fury, Matt Jackson), Riff Raff(Sea Fury, Hoot Gibson), Czech Mate(Yak 11, Sherman Smoot), Fury(Sea Fury, Nelson Ezell) and Bearcat(Bearcat, Howard Pardue). Steve Hinton Sr. in the pace plane on the far right. Note the strobe effect, video shot at 24fps.

Our very own Will Whiteside was in pole with Voodoo but was forced to retire on lap 5. It looked like Strega was taking out ~2s/lap over Voodoo, race speed was >490mph. While I only made it to Reno for Sunday it was great to be there especially with our local air race hero in with such a great chance to win in unlimited.

Strega with Steve Hinton Jr. took home the gold in unlimited followed by Rare Bear and Czech Mate. Here he lets that victory sink in; lifting the gold trophy above the wings of Strega.

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