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Pylon Race Update Print E-mail
Hello, it was a tough call but we had to cancel the races this morning due to the weather. Those of us that showed up still flew and had a good time though. The board members will discuss when we will have the make up race on tues and I will let you guy's know when it will be. hopefully we will have it sometime this month maybe the 23rd. Guy, Steve, Merle are leading the T-28 class and Brain G, Adam, Merle lead the warbird class. 14 people have points in T-28, although there are more racers than that, but as you know things happen. And we are now up to 6 racers in the warbird class with a few guy's waiting in the wings for the next race. I hear Jon has a new plane he's working on, Guy and Jeff P also have planes. This looks to be exciting for the next race. There is talk of adding five more laps to the warbird class since the go so fast. Let me know what you think about that. So to those of you who are not racing get a plane and come have some of the most fun you can legally have with foam.
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