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Pylon Races, March 15th Print E-mail

Pylon season is here again. And the first race is March 15th (delayed from March 1st due to rain). We are adding a new class this year in addition to the T-28s. The T-28 class has an addition also. Some of you own the Park Zone F4U Corsair, and since it comes with the same power setup and prop we have decided to let these race together. So now it's the T-28/F4U class. Same rules apply as last year, no more than a 2200mah battery and no modifications other than decals and paint.

Try to make your plane different from everyone else. That makes it easier for the counters and corner people to tell one plane from the next. The other class we are trying this year is called 450 warbird. You can race any foam warbird 40" and under. Thunder Tiger makes one of the strongest but there are other models out there. We are running E-flite 450 sized outrunner with either a 8x8, or 9x9. The props are undecided as yet but I will let you know at the next general meeting. Batteries are no more than 11.1V, but you can run any size mAh you want. Just remember - the bigger the battery the slower your plane goes. So choose wisely. Speed control is also up to you but the motor well run fine on 20-25amp controllers. This should be a fun class, about 10-15 mph faster than the T-28/F4U class but not too fast. I did some testing and the plane was going around 60mph. It was fast but very controllable. For those that need more speed this is your class!!!

We are going to try 3 rounds per class and if it takes too long we will knock it down to 2. So if you race both classes make sure you have 6 packs or can charge at the field. Since we’re going faster in the other class (fast enough to do some damage) helmets will be mandatory.

It should be a lot of fun so come out and play the first Sunday of each month - or just come and watch the fun, we always need spotters and corner marshals. $5 per class, pilots meeting at 9:40. Racing starts 10:00am sharp. Late racer's can still fly but will just miss round one. Any questions contact Adam Clement or Steve Cole. See you at the races.

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