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Last Race 08 Print E-mail

What a great set of T-28 races we had Nov. 2nd with 10 flyers out there battling it out in 3 heats. Some pilots had been to all 11 races, some to just a few, but all agree the T-28 stock class conceived by Steve Cole and Adam Clement was a hit in 2008. Why is it so popular?- these planes are rough, relatively cheap and easy to setup and fly. It’s simple – install your receiver and a 2100 mAh pack and go fly pylon on our close-in two pylon course. While Steve and Adam have clocked a T-28 (admittedly coming out of a dive) at >60 mph, pylon speeds are more like 45-50 mph – on our close-in course that’s still a lot of fun.

This was the last race of the 2008 season, deciding the top three pilots of the year. The top pilots in 2008 were Jon Stychno (85 pts), Merle McGregor (81 pts) with third place shared between Steve Cole and Adam Clement, (both on 72 pts). Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all who helped make this an enjoyable season.

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