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Bishop's Ranch Introduction to RC. Print E-mail

Adam Clement gives basic ground school prior to the morning training session at Bishop's Ranch.

On Sat, 23 Aug 2008 the Wine Country Flyers held a learn to fly day for the kids at Bishop's Ranch. We held the event at the Bishop's Ranch site, a beautiful knoll on Westside Road, southwest of Healdsburg. Also showing up there for a demo was Hap Miller of Miller RC products (starter inserts and other great RC products, webmaster: I cannot find a link to Miller RC). Hap brought his full scale helicopter which he flew around - after he assembled it at the field! Browse to the event gallery and I think you will agree it can hardly be called full scale. After the event our hosts graciously offered lunch to everyone.

The event was setup by Board member Steve Cohen who has some connections with the Bishop's ranch organization. Thanks Steve!

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