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5th Graders Learn to Fly Print E-mail
On June 9th, the 5th graders at Douglas Whited Elementary School in Santa Rosa received a visit by the Wine Country Flyers, and each student had a chance to fly a model airplane. After a lesson in aerodynamics from club member Jeff Penner the previous week, the students were able to spend some time flying T-28’s on buddy boxes, and enjoy demonstrations by club members. For most students, this was their first experience flying a model airplane. They were very excited to participate, and the experience was both gratifying and educational. Adam Clement, Sid Maxwell, Jon Stychno, and Merle McGregor guided students through the sky with the T-28’s, while Bob Rose and Jeff Penner assisted on the ground. Ray Petersen was also on hand to take pictures. After many flights were logged, the students were treated to aerial demonstrations by Jeff Penner with his helicopter, followed by Sid, Adam, Merle, and Jon with various airplanes. The many oooo’s and aaaaa’s shouted by the students sure put a smile on the club members faces! The club had a lot of fun sharing the hobby, and have already been invited back for another “Learn to Fly Day” next year. If your school or organization would like to have a visit from the Wine Country Flyers, follow this contact us link.
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