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Keeping the Field in good shape... Print E-mail

Work Party 2014

Vice President/Safety Officer Wylie Walters got everyone busy making the improvements to the club's flying site promptly at ten o'clock. Everybody worked on recovering the tables in the pit area. Some members brought out gas-powered blowers and blew off the runway and pits. Bill Walters mowed the outlying grassy areas the day before the work party, and still made time to show up and help some more the day of the work party! Everyone should take the opportunity to thank Bill for the years of mowing he has done for the club. Bill usually flies during the week or the occasional Saturday. The father and son team (Bill and Wylie) get a lot done at the club through out the year. The weather for the Fun Fly was windy, very windy. Still we had five pilots compete. The first event "Golf" was won by Wylie with the ball six feet away from the target. The second event "The dice roll" was won by Jon S. with a low time of four seconds I believe. The third event "All up last down" was won by Adam with a Fun Cub. Surprisingly not one plane was lost in the high winds!

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