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In Memoriam Charlie Cox, 1938-2013 Print E-mail

It is with great sadness that we have learned that Charlie Cox passed on Friday, December 20, 2013. I have since learned that Charlie had a heart condition for the past 20 years and that is what took him. Charlie and his wife, Dorothy, were at the Christmas Party just two weeks ago having a great time together and now, suddenly, he is gone.

Charlie was an old school modeler and flyer with one of the lowest AMA numbers in Wine Country Flyers. Charlie once showed me a picture of him and his son performing a controline combat demo in Candlestick Park back in the sixties. Charlie was an active member of WAM (Western Area Modelers), I think he told me that he had some national awards for control line combat. He was that good.

When we moved our field to Trentadue in 2008 Charlie was there with his backhoe tractor helping us move and place the Astro Turf runway. He was just a “can do” kind of guy that you could count on to help when we needed it.

Charlie had nitro in his blood and loved 2 cycle motors but he also had experience with DynaJet motors and brought one to a meeting for “Show and Tell” recently where most guys had never heard of them. On the subject of electric flight, Charlie commented that, “I like to HEAR my airplanes”. OK, I understand that. Charlie was a traditionalist modeler for sure. I can’t remember many meetings that Charlie wasn’t there, usually with his good buddy Bill Van Asdlan and more recently chowing down on pizza at Round Table.

We were all “Modeling Buddies” to Charlie and we’ll all miss him that’s for sure.

A service to celebrate Charlie's life will be held Saturday January 11th, 1pm to 4pm in the Finley Community Center, Santa Rosa.

Phil Leech
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