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Pylon Race #8 Print E-mail

Report by Jacob McDonald

Pylon race #8 had yet another short turn out. There was seven racers in total and Brian Young raced in every class . Every hand was needed for either counting or judging the pylons. Jim Swanson and Charles McDonald kindly helped fill those positions. We raced two rounds with no wind but the last two rounds had a slight breeze. With such good conditions there were no lost airplanes.

First was the T-28/Corsair class with only three pilots. The pilots were Brian Young with 18 points, Jeff Penner with 10 points, and Paul Kohlmann with 9 points. The winner of the day and points leader is Brian Young.

Next was Reno 450 with pilots Steve Cole and Brian Young. Steve finished the day with 18 points and Brian finished with 18,, There was no winner of the day and Steve is still current points leader.

Dogfighter had two pilots which were Jon Stychno and Brian Young. This class was very entertaining to watch whether it was close calls or prop strikes on airplanes it kept the crowd and the pilots on their toes. Brian finished with 5 points and Jon finished with 4. Brian was the winner of the day but Jon is still the current points leader.

EF-1 had six pilots with Brian Young stepping up and racing a different class. The pilots were Tony McDonald with 19 points, Steve Cole with 18 points, Jon Stychno with 14 points, Jeff Penner with 14 points, Brian Young with 9 points, and Jacob McDonald with 7 points. The winner of the day was Tony McDonald with 19 points and stepping up to third place but Steve is still current points leader.

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