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May Pylon Race Report Print E-mail

Jacob McDonald

Sunday’s race was yet another windy day but the racers persevered through the poor weather conditions. There was not even a concern of calling off the race because of the wind. The only mention was if we should race three or four rounds before Red’s appreciation BBQ. We came to an agreement to race four rounds but we decided later in the day to cut it down to three rounds because of the time.

The T-28 race had ten entries, two five round heats, there was two wrecks in this class. The first race of the day one of the pilots over banked and crashed his T-28 but later flew again in the class later in the day. The second happened in the third heat where the pilot hit the south pylon.

The war bird class had five entries three spitfires, a mustang, and a bf-109. The class was without a wreck until the last heat where one spitfire had a bad hand launch and was unable to recover. The second, another spitfire was launched and was set on the wrong model settings and went in immediately after the first wreck. The last of this class was the bf-109 who had its wings collapse while turning on the south pylon.

The dogfighter class had five entries and had no wrecks involved in the class. All the pilots in this class flew well even in the rough weather.

The last class which would be the EF-1 class had incidents involved. The first was only a rough landing because of the rough weather but the plane was not critically damaged but did not race later in the day. The second incident was a wreck that occurred in the second round of this class, it was Red’s newly designed Endeavor that had the motor fly off of the airplane which resulted in the wrecking of this aircraft on the south pylon.

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