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In Memoriam Steve Jensen, 1948-2011 Print E-mail
Steve Jensen
Happy times at the field, Jack, Red and Steve Jensen.

It is with great sadness that we must acknowledge that Steve Jensen passed on May 25, 2011. We have all known Steve as a fellow modeler, friend and source of endless modeling know how and experience. Steve was a modeler from the “old school” meaning that Steve was a builder who had acquired many extensive modeling skills that he was always willing to share with whoever might ask for help to understand, “Hey, how do you do this, Steve?”

Many of you have known Steve from the years that he stood behind the counter at Hangar One Hobbies in Rohnert Park. There just wasn’t much about the hobby that Steve didn’t know, and he knew all of the modelers, current and past as well as past hobby events and happenings. Just ask Steve and he could tell you.

About ten years ago Steve had a quadruple bypass and that would prove to be a precursor to what finally took him from us. Steve passed peacefully in his sleep when his heart just gave it up. I remember Steve telling me some years ago about our hobby, “Yep, it is a good, wholesome hobby, one that you can share with your family and kids”. And he sure did that.

Visit the condolence book here.

We’ll all miss a great guy that we all liked and admired.

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