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Fun Fly results
Monday, 11 November 2013

Report by Anthony McDonald; video Jon Stychno

16 pilots total

  • 1st place Mike Cracchiolo 53 points
  • 2nd Ben Mackles 44 points
  • 3rd Jon Stychno 43.1 points
  • 4th Adam Clement 43 points
  • 5th Wylie Walters 39 points
  • 6th Larry Gustafson 35.2 points
  • 7th Paul Kohlmann 35.1 points
  • 8th Jacob McDonald 35 points
  • 9th Julio Alvarez 34.1 points
  • 10th Jake Chichillti 34 points
  • 11th Drew Kohlmann 31 points
  • 12th Phil Leech 29 points
  • 13th Jake Boatman 26 points
  • 14th John Reade 24 points
  • 15th Merle McGregor 21 points
  • 16th Doug Moore 14 points
Fun fly Sunday Nov. 10th, 10am-3pm
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
For the latest info on this event go to the forum

Fun fly 2013
  • Open to all AMA members!
  • There will be four scored events. Balloon bust, egg drop, timed flight, and finally a spot landing. Bring whatever you think you can fly the best.
  • The balloon bust will have a small balloon tied 10 feet above the runway and you will have three passes to try and pop it for the most points (1-5 points).
  • In the egg drop you will be provided with a paper cup, 1 egg, 1 popsicle stick, 2 rubber bands. It will be up to you to figure out how to successfully take off then carry the egg without breaking it. Whoever drops their egg closest to a target on the runway will win 5 points.
  • Timed flight starts when your wheels leave the runway. From that point you will have 1 minute to climb as high as possible. The judge will tell you to kill you engine or motor after 1 minute. Then you have to land as close as you can within a minute without any timing assistance.
  • Spot landing. You will have one attempt to land on a target that will be placed on the runway.
  • $2 entry fee. Trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd!
Email event director Tony McDonald at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or call 707-479-2152.
Pylon Race #8
Monday, 21 October 2013

Report by Jacob McDonald

Pylon race #8 had yet another short turn out. There was seven racers in total and Brian Young raced in every class . Every hand was needed for either counting or judging the pylons. Jim Swanson and Charles McDonald kindly helped fill those positions. We raced two rounds with no wind but the last two rounds had a slight breeze. With such good conditions there were no lost airplanes.

First was the T-28/Corsair class with only three pilots. The pilots were Brian Young with 18 points, Jeff Penner with 10 points, and Paul Kohlmann with 9 points. The winner of the day and points leader is Brian Young.

Next was Reno 450 with pilots Steve Cole and Brian Young. Steve finished the day with 18 points and Brian finished with 18,, There was no winner of the day and Steve is still current points leader.

Dogfighter had two pilots which were Jon Stychno and Brian Young. This class was very entertaining to watch whether it was close calls or prop strikes on airplanes it kept the crowd and the pilots on their toes. Brian finished with 5 points and Jon finished with 4. Brian was the winner of the day but Jon is still the current points leader.

EF-1 had six pilots with Brian Young stepping up and racing a different class. The pilots were Tony McDonald with 19 points, Steve Cole with 18 points, Jon Stychno with 14 points, Jeff Penner with 14 points, Brian Young with 9 points, and Jacob McDonald with 7 points. The winner of the day was Tony McDonald with 19 points and stepping up to third place but Steve is still current points leader.

2013 Larry Frank
Wednesday, 09 October 2013

Report by Jacob McDonald

The 2013 Larry Frank Scale Fly-In had a short turn out but everyone still had a lot of fun. Jon Stychno volunteered to announce.Phil Leech and Wayne Frederick were judging the contest. The first pilot to fly Tony McDonald flew his Eflite Albatros which was electric. The second pilot Jacob McDonald flew his Great Planes 60 size Fokker Dr1 that is glow power. The third pilot Wylie Walters flew his Stuka which is electric. Next Adam Clement flew his Seagull Models Pilatus Porter which is also electric. Larry Gustafson flew after Adam and flew his Eflite P-38 which is electric power. Up next was Jake C. that flew his Top Flight P-47 razorback kit which is glow. Dylon Baltazar flew his T-28 after Jake. Dylon was followed by Dobie Baltazar who flew his electric Parkzone P-47 bubble canopy version.

After the friendly competition Glen Binkley and his wife prepared a barbecue for all who were present. During the BBQ all the airplanes flown during the day (Competitors and non- competitors) were displayed on the runway for viewing and voting. The winner of the peoples choice award was Jim Swanson and his WWII German Dornier Do-335 Arrow.

Jon then announced the winners of the Neil Taylor award. The Neil Taylor award was awarded to two recipients Paul Kohlman and Dave Mercer. Jon then announced the winners of the Larry Frank Scale Fly In. In third place with his electric Eflite Albatros Tony McDonald. Second place Adam Clement with his Seagull Pilatus Porter. And finally the winner of the scale fly in with his kit built Top Flight P-47 razorback version Jake C.

After the fun day of scale flying and award presentations, open flying resumed.

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Results 56 - 60 of 163