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Keeping the Field in good shape...
Sunday, 11 May 2014

Work Party 2014

Vice President/Safety Officer Wylie Walters got everyone busy making the improvements to the club's flying site promptly at ten o'clock. Everybody worked on recovering the tables in the pit area. Some members brought out gas-powered blowers and blew off the runway and pits. Bill Walters mowed the outlying grassy areas the day before the work party, and still made time to show up and help some more the day of the work party! Everyone should take the opportunity to thank Bill for the years of mowing he has done for the club. Bill usually flies during the week or the occasional Saturday. The father and son team (Bill and Wylie) get a lot done at the club through out the year. The weather for the Fun Fly was windy, very windy. Still we had five pilots compete. The first event "Golf" was won by Wylie with the ball six feet away from the target. The second event "The dice roll" was won by Jon S. with a low time of four seconds I believe. The third event "All up last down" was won by Adam with a Fun Cub. Surprisingly not one plane was lost in the high winds!

2014 Pylon #2
Monday, 28 April 2014
Report by Jacob McDonald, video by Jon Stychno

Aprils Pylon racing started out with a wet runway as well as an overcast. The overcast didn't last long before the sun came out and the field dried up. In the EF-1 class the airplanes were weighed and most people passed the first time but some people had to break out the quarters and tape to add some weight. All and all it was a fun and exciting race day with tons of carnage!

The T-28/Corsair class had six entries. The pilots were John Reade, Paul Libbon, Phil Leech, Jake Boatman, Paul Kohlman, and Dave Mercer. This class had the most carnage of the day with multiple mid-airs! The first mid-air of the day was Phil Leech and John Reade, when they got together Phil's Corsair lost its wings while the fuselage kept going! John broke the wing spar in his T-28 but skillfully made it back onto the ground safely. The next mid-air in this class was between Dave Mercer and Paul Libbon. When these two got together Dave lost half of his wing and spiraled into the vineyard. Paul appearing to have minimal or no damage continued to race. When Paul landed and we looked for damage on his T-28 it appeared to have no damage!

The Warbird class had five entries, there was also a lot of close combat racing happening in this class as well which made it interesting to watch. This classes pilots were Tony McDonald, Jacob McDonald, Jon Stychno, Wylie Walters, and Brian Germonie. The first two races of this class all the battles were happening up front while the racers in the back flew the coarse safely and waited for the leaders to cut. The last two races everybody was in a big pack trying to beat one another out while trying not to take out another fellow racer! The last race of the day for this class Jon and Jacob mid-aired! Jon's Spitfire took off Jacob's Mosquito wingtip and half of the flap. The Mosquito did make a mayday belly landing making it back safely while the Spitfire continued to race and got the victory!

The Dogfighter class had Two pilots, Adam Clement and Jon Stychno. This class was the only class to not have any injured airplanes. But the pilots still put on good exciting races to watch.

EF-1 had six entries. The racers were Tony McDonald, Jacob McDonald, Jon Stychno, Brian Germonie, Wylie Walters, and Steve Cole. This class had some exciting battles as well as all of the other classes but what usually comes with good battles is Mid-airs. Jacob and Jon got together again and Jacob's Miss Dara had Jon's Shoestring put the prop through the wing but both continued to race. Jon's Shoestring suffered a prop ding

GoPro at Sal Lake
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Jon Stychno

While filming at the 2014 Spring Float Fly, Adam and I got hung up for a second and his little foamie brought down the mighty Super Sky Surfer with 2 GoPros attached. One flew off and sank to the bottom, found after an hour of looking (thanks for the help retrieving Bob, Jim, and Jake), while the other stayed attached. To keep the lenses from fogging and the weight down, neither GoPro was in a water tight case. I've dried one out and it still works! I'm waiting till the one that sat at the bottom dries out a bit more before trying to power it on. Some lessons learned that day! Just glad to get them back and be able to retrieve the files!

Summer membership meetings at the field
Saturday, 26 April 2014
For the summer months our membership meetings will be held at Trentadue field, first Sunday of each month, 11am -> 12pm.
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