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2017 Larry Frank Winners
Sunday, 24 September 2017
1st Place
Dylan Baltazar, 1st Place, Pro-Am-Pro
1st Place
Adam Clement, 2nd Place Pro-Am-Pro
1st Place
David Pippen 3rd Place Pro-Am-Pro
1st Place
Ron Cappucio 1st Place EPP class
Larry Frank Memorial, Saturday Sep. 23rd.
Monday, 18 September 2017
September 17th, Swap Meet at Fundemonium, Rohnert Park
Saturday, 19 August 2017
Steven Elliott at Fundemonium Toys in Rohnert Park is hosting a swap meet on September 17th.
  • Tables $10 each.
  • September 17th, 10 AM -> 2 PM
Fundemonium Toys Swap Meet
Night Flying is On! Friday June 23rd
Saturday, 10 June 2017
Night flight

Friday June 23rd from whenever you get there until 11:00PM if you can stay awake that long! We have approval to hold a night flying event at our field. No gas planes after 6:00 PM. And no flying over west side of the field. There will be a retreat that evening. I will probably get there a bit earlier so I can fly some nitro planes.

Does anyone want to fire up the grill and do a pot luck dinner that evening?

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2017 Larry Frank with the Neil Taylor Award

2017 Larry Frank with the Neil Taylor Award

2017 WCF Swapmeet

2017 WCF Swapmeet

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