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Field Move Update Print E-mail

Thank you to everyone who has helped prep and move from the old site. We had work parties last Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday and have literally moved everything except the shed and a few minor pieces. We are well underway in our move to the new flying site but we still have a ways to go.

Here are the remaining activities to get us flying at the new site:

Adam and Brian Young are working on the grading and dirt work required to accommodate the runway and pit areas. The work should be completed very soon.

We have decided to replace our runway surface with new lighter and purpose built ground covering similar to other RC Flying fields. This will be a significant improvement in surface to go along with a significantly improved flying environment.

Once the ground work is done we will be scheduling a series of work parties to ‘put it all back together”. This is where you come in. We are all anxious to start flying again and get a look at our new home. As soon as possible we will let you know when the work parties will begin to lay down the new runway and reconstruct the pit and shade areas. The two most likely weekends for this work are October 17-18th and 24-25th.

I will be sending out more detailed information about the new site along with the notice for work parties. Right now there is nothing to see out there other than our pile of gear and we would like to keep it clear until the grading work is completed.

Before you show up at the work parties (The last have been more WORK than PARTIES, but now we are working on getting back in the air!) PLEASE be aware of the following rules at the new site:

  • No pets, no alcohol, no smoking are allowed on the property at any time.
  • There is a posted 15 MPH speed limit on the driveway, there is designated parking.
  • Please make sure you have your WCFlyer ID card available.

We have open access to the field contingent upon being able to show our hosts that WCF members are on site.

There are virtually no obstructions at the new field and in my opinion it is the best flying field we have ever had. We are also putting a lot of work and money into moving into the new site so lets all remember and comply the few simple rules listed above and be a good partner with our hosts. If you can’t locate your ID card please make arrangements to get a new one from George Leap.

SO…..STAY TUNED!!!! With your help we will be back flying very soon! You will be very happy with our new home!!

Paul Gibson WCF Vice President
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