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2014 Pylon #1 Print E-mail
Report by Tony McDonald, video by Jon Stychno

Sunny skies finally greeted the Wine Country Flyers pylon races this year. After last years windy and rainy season it was a nice change. The warm weather brought out fifteen pilots! Paul Gibson, John Reade, Doug Moore, Julio Alvarez, Wylie Walters, Jake Boatman, Dave Mercer, Brian Young, Bryan Germone, Steve Cole, Mark Crowley, Jon Stychno, Paul Kohlmann, Phil Leech, and Myself. And six pilots competed in multiple classes.

The T-28/Corsair class had the most entries. Seven in total. Paul Kohlmann and Jake Boatman are tied in the points race with three wins and one cut-out for each pilot. The Parkzone Warbird class had five competitors. We saw our new class with equal speeds with the four different aircraft designs. Two Spitfires, one P-47, one Fw-190, and two Mosquito's raced. Jon Stychno won the points battle for the day. The Dogfighter class had three competitors. Jon Stychno dominated the class with three victories. The EF-1 class had seven pilots signed up to compete but one dropped out with equipment malfunctions. Steve Cole won the day with a victory in every race he ran!

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