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Red's Corner, July 2010 Print E-mail

All about Lithium Polymer Batteries

Hi Red, I have a question about LiPo batteries. I don't think I'm the only one either because nobody I've asked seems to know. Perhaps you could talk about how they are rated. For example I know what 3S means (3 in series = 11.1 volts) but I don't know what 3S1P means, could you explain the basics?

Thanks, Marty Thank you very much for the great question Marty! I am sure you are not the only one either, as the electric industry as a whole is really not that well defined when it comes to explaining its various ratings and acronyms. It can be very difficult, for instance when converting an IC (internal combustion) powered model to E power, to spec an equal performing power system. More about this later, but that should be really how you think of this type of thing, as system. (motor, ESC, battery and prop all have a great deal with the “power” your system will produce) Thankfully the battery nomenclature is pretty well defined and easy to follow once you understand the system.

On to your question! By definition all batteries are made up of individual cells, whether they are NiCad, Nickel Metal, Lipo or any other chemistry. A battery is a cluster of cells wired together either in Series and/or in Parallel. Let’s take a simple 2100 maH 11.1v pack as an example and look how it is defined. The 2100 is the total capacity of energy the pack is able to deliver effectively rated in milliamp/hours. If you have a system that draws 30 amps you can expect to fly for about 7 minutes. (Provided the 30 amp draw falls under the packs “C” rating, more later!) The 11.1v rating as you noted comes from the fact that this pack is wired in Series as the 3 individual cells are wired in such a way (pos & neg soldered together) that their individual voltages (3.7v) are added together make to the 11.1v rating.

Parallel (pos & pos/neg & neg soldered together) wiring is used when a larger capacity is required. The largest typical single cell size is around 2700 maH (there are other larger single cells, but they are rare and don’t really apply in this example). Parallel wiring sums the capacities together. So if you buy a 4200 maH pack it likely is two 11.1v 2100 packs wired in Series/Parallel or 3S2P configuration. That means there are 6 individual cells wired into two 3S packs to get 11.1v, and those two 11.1v packs wired together to get in parallel to get a capacity of 4200 maH. So for any battery the first number indicates how many cells are needed to get the desired voltage and the second number is how many packs of cells at the desired voltage are added together to get the desired capacity. You can stack any number of cells together to get the desired voltage and capacity. The only rule is all cells must be of the same starting capacity. (i.e all 2100 cells) It is not uncommon to see up to 10S4P setups in larger aircraft.

I suppose some of the confusion is that a 3S1P battery really only is referred to as a 3S battery leaving out the 1P part of the designation. By default it is a 1P battery. Which is fine as 1P batteries are all most people fly with anyway. The 2P (or 3,4,5 or more) is not really seen very much at all. Earlier I mentioned C rating. The C refers to capacity, and the rating is used to tell how quickly the pack can safely discharge current. Using the same 2100 maH pack as an example, one might have a 15C rating while another may have a 35C rating or more. The reason it is important to pay attention to this is because it is possible to permanently damage your packs if your system exceeds the C rating of the pack. How it works is simple. You take the C rating and multiply it by the capacity to get the maximum available current the pack can deliver safely. Let’s say our 2100 pack is rated at 15C, you multiply 2100 x 15 = 31.5 maximum amps continuous. So for our example 30 amp setup mentioned above, this battery would suffice but I would consider it a bit too close for comfort. You can see that the 35C battery with its 73+ amps continuous available is a much better solution. Most batteries also have a burst C rating, most of the time it doubles the continuous rating. The burst rating lets you know that if you have a hotter system and your battery is on the edge of being adequate, that you can exceed the normal C rating for short periods of time (i.e. take-off, hovering etc.) but you should not exceed more than 10 seconds or so at this higher current draw.

In normal operation, LiPo batteries should never be brought down below 3v per cell (9v for a 3S pack). Doing so can permanently damage the cell and can lead to poor performance and shorter run times. In extreme cases they can even swell and catch fire. Most ESC’s have this 3v limit set at the factory, but it is possible to disable it on some controllers like the Castle series for instance. At any rate, flying until you hit the low voltage cut off each time is not the best way to preserve your packs. It’s best to land when you notice the power getting soft.

Balancing is always a good idea, you cannot over balance. I balance every time I charge. This will maintain your packs to the highest possible standard. I have packs that are going on 5 years old and still perform as new. Balancing becomes even more appealing when you are running multiple parallel packs together as the different performance characteristics of each individual cell will unbalance them rather quickly.

Well Marty I hope this answers your question, and thanks for sending it in.

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