Wine Country Flyers Model Aircraft Club Forum

General Category => WCF News => Topic started by: W3racing on March 18, 2013, 06:49:48 PM

Title: Thank You club members for the field maintenance
Post by: W3racing on March 18, 2013, 06:49:48 PM
Thank You to everyone who came out early on race day to help maintain the field. You all know who you are. For those who couldnt make it. The final repairs were done to the runway after the twister damage this winter. Everyone pitched in to clean the weed out of the pits and picnic area. Steve and John Reade topped the trees at the north end, and Brian Young spent forever to clear the runway of rocks with a leaf blower. The place looks great! Thanks again to you all


Title: Re: Thank You club members for the field maintenance
Post by: PTKohlmann on March 19, 2013, 07:55:12 AM
And thank you too, Wylie.  We had a great crew out there and on the job.  It was good to see how fast we could get the work done when there were many hands to do it.


Title: Re: Thank You club members for the field maintenance
Post by: tall n skinny on March 23, 2013, 11:48:10 AM
Steve Cole did all the work on the trees. I just brought the saw and spotted the pick up for him to stand in. Plus, Tony McDonald climbed up one to top it.